St. Patrick’s Day Desserts

irish desserts2As you all know from my previous posts fromĀ 2013 and 2014 that St. Patrick’s Day is a super special time of year for me as it’s always been a tradition celebrated with my late amazing Irish gramma. The food is always at the top of my list for must-haves for celebrating this holiday properly but the beer is a close second! The traditional Shepherd’s Pie, Beef and Guinness Stew, and Bangers and Mash are my faves and can be found in the Irish pubs around Raleigh. But what about dessert? I’ve never thought much about dessert because we always had shamrock cookies and that was just fine. This year, I’m finding traditional and updated traditional desserts that I’m dying to make! What’s your favorite? — Annie

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Have a sweet week.

Under the Oaks blog : Have a sweet week.

(image via)

I’m going to honest here, in my current state I am feeling a little bitter, perhaps also a little glum. After completing my full week of work last week on Friday I picked up Frankie and his new accessory “the cone” from the vet where he was officially made sterile, cried with him on our mile drive home, and sadly put him in his crate where he couldn’t do himself harm. After this I re-opened my computer and worked until midnight. All weekend I have been balancing between babying my baby and working. So, I’m feeling a little bitter that I’ve worked a second 40 hours, after my first 40 hours, and after I go to bed tonight I will start another 40 hours. I don’t like it, I don’t like it at all.
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