2015 Bucket Lists: 3 Month Checkup

2015BL 3 month checkup


1. Create a scrapbook / baby book for Carter. Before he was born, I bought all the supplies and started putting them together. Since then, we’ve tucked a few things in the book to be included like his stamped footprints cards from the flowers we received and written memories on cards to be included with the pictures when they are printed. I bought photo paper this past weekend so I’m planning on working on pics soon but I’m not sure the book will come together until we get a few more months into it.

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2014 Bucket List Recaps



And just like that 2014 is over. Usually I feel like the year flies by but I can reflect back on it this last week and put it all into perspective. It’s hard for me to do that this year. I’m sure focusing on one thing for so long has completely changed my thoughts of this year as a whole so I’m blaming my lack of effort toward my bucket list on that! Not to mention I can barely remember two things on my to do list each day… I’m sure that doesn’t help either. Here’s the recap:

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