life lately under the oaks

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Media-wise, I’ve been keeping pretty entertained these days. I also think I might be turning into my mother. I’m in this strange place of transitioning from a young adult into a full on adult and that is weird, especially when I sat down to think about what has been my preferred media outlets lately … Continue reading

Mamahood Advice from Megan of Figuring Out Home

10469369_10152748865405185_4721879192528793899_nPostpartum Planning in the Triangle and Beyond:

First, don’t stop reading this because you think it can’t or won’t apply to you. Postpartum mood disorders affect at least fifteen percent of all pregnant women; that’s one in seven. And that number is probably low since the medical establishment seems to not screen the majority of postpartum mothers for depression/anxiety. Someone you know has suffered or is suffering, and we need to work at this together. Because the health of our moms is important, and their health directly affects their children.

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Homemade Donuts


I’m not going to lie, I love a donut (or two). Specifically donuts with sprinkles. I grew up not liking donuts, I genuinely disliked them. Then I became an adult and my palate became so much more refined; I also discovered Krispy Kreme as a citizen of Raleigh. Continue reading