life lately under the oaks

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Media-wise, I’ve been keeping pretty entertained these days. I also think I might be turning into my mother. I’m in this strange place of transitioning from a young adult into a full on adult and that is weird, especially when I sat down to think about what has been my preferred media outlets lately … Continue reading

Homemade Donuts


I’m not going to lie, I love a donut (or two). Specifically donuts with sprinkles. I grew up not liking donuts, I genuinely disliked them. Then I became an adult and my palate became so much more refined; I also discovered Krispy Kreme as a citizen of Raleigh. Continue reading

DIY Deck Renovation


As mentioned in Tuesday’s post (DIY Mason Jar Lanterns) my husband and I spent some time renovating our backyard deck over the weekend. We’ve been in our house for almost 8 years and haven’t taken full advantage of our backyard. We thought, what better way to kick off the first weekend of summer (unofficially) than to turn our deck into an oasis that encouraged us to spend some time outdoors. Oh, and the husband tempted me with a trip to Ikea so … that happened! Continue reading